Information according to § 5 TMG
HR People Mobility GmbH
Postal address
c/o Stefan Remhof
Schwindstrasse 9
80798 Munich
Stefan Remhof
Phone: +49 160 50 18741
Responsible for journalistic and editorial content
Daniel Zinner –
Mira Pathak –
Stefan Remhof –
Content production
Kiez Digital, Content Marketing & Communication Agency
Photo production
Torsten Strom
Graphic and technical realization
op media – oliver plath media design
For better readability, we use the generic masculine, which explicitly includes all gender forms.
References to external websites
The website contains references (links) to information offers on servers that are not subject to our control and responsibility. Despite careful control of the contents, we therefore do not assume any liability for the contents or the topicality of external links. The operators of the linked sites are solely responsible for their content. We have no influence on their compliance with data protection or other legal regulations. We make every effort to ensure that the material contained in our web site is current, complete and correct. Nevertheless, the occurrence of errors cannot be completely ruled out. We do not accept liability for the relevance, accuracy or completeness of the information and material offered in its web site unless the mistake occurred intentionally or through gross negligence. This also applies to any material or immaterial damage to third parties caused by the use of this website.